The Florida Fire Equipment Dealers Association was organized in 1963 by a group of fire equipment dealers with the purpose:
To cooperate with the authorities having jurisdiction and other interested governmental officials in order to secure, so far as possible, the adoption of uniform standards and ordinances governing fire equipment and uniform interpretation thereof.
- To recommend to the fire equipment industry such trade policies and practices as will stabilize the industry and protect the public interest. And to eliminate such practices which cause injury to the industry and to the public interest. To gather and disseminate information and ideas which will improve the State's fire protection and increase the competence of the fire equipment industry.
- To further the joint interest of and to build good will between distributors, dealers and manufacturers of the fire equipment industry.
- To gather information and statistics and other pertinent data relative to the fire equipment industry, and to make the same available to the members of the corporation and to other interested persons and agencies.
- and to cooperate and work with insurance companies, government officials having jurisdiction over matters affecting the fire equipment industry, manufacturers of fire equipment and any and all other trade associations or individuals who may be of help in furthering the general purposes of the corporation.
FFEDA is governed by it's Board of Directors which is composed of nine Regular Members (fire equipment dealers) and one Associate Member (manufacturer/supplier member) who each serve two-year terms. The officers President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary are elected by the Board of Directors. To download a current list of the FFEDA Board of Directors, click here: FFEDA Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors hold four meetings annually in February, June, August and November. The Board follows the guidelines as set out in the Association's Bylaws to manage association business. To download a copy of the Bylaws, click here: FFEDA Bylaws.
An election is held each year at the FFEDA Annual Membership Meeting, held in conjunction with the Annual Conference, to elect new board members. Candidates must be Regular Members of the Association.
FFEDA Members and non-member fire equipment dealers and suppliers are encouraged to become involved with the Association. The only way FFEDA can continue to grow is through the involvement of our members. Please contact FFEDA at ffeda@executiveoffice.org, phone: 850-224-0711 or fax: 850-222-3019.